August 4, 2011

Mariachi Band Serenades Music-Loving Beluga Whale

Kristin H. -- Juno is a beluga whale who was in his tank in the Mystic Aquarium when a wedding began. He chose to go up to the window where he could see the mariachi band playing music. Beluga whales are known for being “canaries of the sea” because of their musical vocalization. They think that Juno heard this music and was interested. As the bad was playing Juno was aware of the players’ movements and danced along with them moving his head side to side. Juno knew these moves because he was trained, but there was no trainer coaching Juno during the song. The beluga whale is classified as near threatened because, we harm their environment as well as hunt them.

This article was really appealing to me because it was different. This article could be helpful if you’re trying to understand how humans and animals interact. But for the most part it is more entertaining. I liked how the person who wrote it had facts about the beluga species, and told you how we are affecting them. This made me want to help stop people from killing and harming the beluga whales. I think the author did a good job on making the whales seem really friendly, harmless, and innocent. This makes the audience feel bad for the whales and, persuades them to make a difference.

Link :  Mariachi Band Serenades Music-Loving Beluga Whale (includes video)

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