August 20, 2011

Linking Trees’ Fibonacci Sequence to Solar Power Wins Student A Young Naturalist Award

Antonio W. -- Recently, a thirteen-year-old named Aiden used the famous Fibonacci Sequence of adding the previous two digits together, which can go on forever(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8). He noticed that Oak trees, using a very similar method in the angles of the branches, had enough sunlight to spare for each leaf. After testing the angles with a protractor, he made his first prototype out of PVC pipe branches and PV solar panel leaves. The tests were conducted during winter and compared to other, normal solar panels at the same time. The leaflet solar panel design was more efficient by about 50%, as there were not many shadows cast on the leaves below, and they didn't have to turn towards the sun. He wrote an essay called The Secret of Fibonacci Sequence in Trees, which officially won the Young Naturalist Award. Aiden is currently working on finding out if there are other trees that are more efficient, hoping that Mother Nature found a solution.

            This shows that inspiration truly can come from anything to anyone. It also proves, as previously stated, that Mother Nature usually has the best answer. For instance, Velcro was inspired by burrs sticking to clothing and dog's fur. The simplest things we see every day can help more and more as we progress technologically. What we take for granted has more thought to it than we may think. Even though, admittedly, what came out wasn't strictly thought up by anything in particular. As Human Beings grow as a society, we must remember our roots, or we will forget what path is a smart path.

Link:  Linking Trees' Fibonacci Sequence to Solar Power Wins Student a Young Naturalist Award

Boys Reach Sexual Maturity Younger and Younger: Phase Between Being Physically but Not Socially Adult Is Getting Longer

Dakota P. -- This article is about how the sexual and physical maturity of young males and how much earlier they were maturing since the mid 18th century. This also shows that since the mid 18th century boys have been maturing closer to the same rate as girls. However, they are still demoted to being a child until around 21 even though they are maturity wise ready for anything that can be thrown at them. Though because society says “no” then they must wait for them to be of any legal age no matter what their maturity level maybe.

Taking this as a male myself I found this article to be very uplifting. I also found it as ammunition in a way because if a girl ever says to me that she is more mature than me I can say that since the mid 18th century we have been maturing at the same rate so what now. I also find this ironic because lately I have been hearing a lot of people saying that because of maturity levels girls are better than boys and just to prove them wrong I decided to write my review on this article to prove the people wrong.

Cuba-Florida swimmer “fails” at “only” 50 miles!

Zane R. -- ‘Ultra’ Athletes are becoming much more common as of recent years. The definition of an ultra-endurance event is any run longer than a marathon or a cycling over 100 miles. While there is no set mark for swimming, but any swim threw oceans or the like tends to be where people draw the line. The most common (and probably most difficult to answer) question is “why”? People are drawn to these intense sports because of how difficult they are. They want a chance to prove themselves to themselves and others, and to text the limits of there physical and mental endurance. Also, its easier for older people to preform these feats, when their past the point in their lives where they would be fast enough to compete in shorter races, but have lived long enough to have a strong will and a great endurance. It becomes more a point of finishing than finishing first. However, scientists are worried about the effects of such intense exercise:

“Ultra-endurance sports can hurt. Bikers can suffer neck seizures and genital numbness, or crash. Runners injure feet, joints and soft tissue. And there is some evidence linking regular, long-term exertion with atrial fibrillation, a sometimes permanent heart-rhythm abnormality. “Endurance sport practice increases between 2 and 10 times the probability of suffering atrial fibrillation, after adjusting for other risk factors,””

Also, there seems to be some correlation between increased exercise and shortened lifespan, simply because the body wheres out faster. On the other hand, exercise has shown in many cases a great deal of benefits both physical and mental. The cerebellum deteriorates as people get older, and exercise can help rebuild in. In fact, as little as 1 hour a day has been seen to counteract as much as 20 years of aging in the cerebellum.

This article presents information about astounding feats of physical endurance among humans as well as a great deal of interesting and helpful facts. Such as the effect of exercise on the cerebellum or the fact that humans are the most efficient endurance runners on the planet. It describes a new trend occurring in recent years that tends toward the extreme and the most common/ likely psychological motivation behind it. And it presents it all in a well organized and easily understandable way. The article tends on the long side. Seen with the summery above being significantly over the 7 line minimum and not even discussing every major point of the article. However it makes up for it with a body of information that catches the attention, and had I come across it I would have read it even without the need to review it. All in all an effective article over an interesting topic.

Butterfly Species A Master of Disguise

Julianne C. -- A certain type of butterfly, the Heliconius numata, is particularly tasty to hungry predators. So, over time, the butterfly found a way to avoid being eaten; they would mimic the wing pattern and shape of a similar but awful tasting butterfly. Over time, the wing pattern became more and more alike to the foul-tasting butterfly (Melinaea) in order to fool sharp-eyed birds and predators.  These butterflies were born mimics, which means that they can flip and change their genes to form similar DNA to the bad-tasting butterflies. These gene combinations are a sort of super gene, which enable the butterfly (Or sometimes moth) to mimic the other species as closely as possible.

I thought this article was very interesting, but some of it I already knew. It's common for animals to mimic something else in the hopes of survival, and so I wasn't surprised to see this. However, I liked how the article explained exactly how the genes worked. I hadn't exactly known before how this worked, so it was nice to find out about the DNA changing. I think it is amazing how animals can find such complex and ingenious ways to stay alive, and how they can figure it out through natural selection. I really liked this article and thought it was interesting.

The Secret Life of Cats

Natalie R. -- A study was made about what outdoor (free-roaming) cats spend their time doing and the differences between owned and un-owned free-roaming cats. Owned cats spent about 80% of their time sleeping and stay fairly close to their home. Un-owned cats only spent about 62% of their day sleeping and live in about a 1,351-acre area. Scientists believe the differences are because un-owned cats don’t have humans to depend on for their needs to survive and have to spend more time hunting for food. Also, un-owned cats die more frequently then owned cats.
            One concern about all of the roaming cats is overpopulation. The growing amount of cats means an increase of death in birds, small mammals, and reptiles. It’s hard to solve this solution though because you can’t put make every cat an indoor-only cat. Owners of free-roamers might not allow it and all the stray cats would need to find a home.
            I love cats, and own a few. I think that cats should not be allowed to roam free; there is so much that could go wrong. They get diseases more easily than indoor cats and have a higher risk of dying. Though cats would love to go outside, it is better for them to stay inside. It not only protects them but also keeps other animals alive that would have been hunted and killed by the roaming cats.

Mimicking biological complexity, in a tiny particle

Sean C. -- very small particles made of polymers have potential, they could be the bare bones of basic structures, or even targeted drug delivery systems. as of now though they are limited, difficult to create and without much variety. a group of M.I.T. engineers have started to figure out how to overcome these disadvantages by changing the way that the polymer particles are made. it used to be that they had to use u.v. rays to solidify gel with drugs in them, it didn't have much precision, didn't work on many materiel's and the UV rays could possibly hurt cells. another way was filling molds with a almost fluid drug containing gel then to cool it until it reaches the right shape. The M.I.T. engineers overcame this with a mold that will shrink or expand based on the temperature. after they fill the molds with liquid gel with one type of cell or drug they wait for the gel to dry and then apply heat to the mold, causing it to shrink away the gel. this way they can add multiple layers to a creation. as of now they have been able to make cylinders and cube type shapes. eventually they hope to replicate entire organs even!
this would be pretty cool. i don't know how it would work but ti did say that they could have targeted delivery systems which is VERY important, it can let you use powerful destructive drugs with the precision, only hurting what it wants to. furthermore the ability to create organs would be extremely useful, it would speed up medicinal testing and maybe provide replacement organs for people with diseases. i wonder how many materials there able to do this with? how long will it take them to start using it actively? I'm not sure why multiple lairs are important but i think that tissue is composed of multiple layers so you wouldn't be able to create it without multiple layers. once again i had to chose a article were i cant really review well because i barley get the basics of the stuff there talking about, but come on those are the FUN ones.

The Darkest World: Scientists Discover 'Darth Vader' Planet

Guilian F. -- A few weeks ago, two astronomers announced the discovery of TrES-2b via the Kepler spacecraft. The planet is a so-called "Hot Jupiter" — a large gas giant orbiting extremely close to its sun-like star. It is interesting that TrES-2b refuses to give back light.  It bounces back less than 1 percent (0.01) of the light it receives from its star. The Earth reflects about 37 percent or 0.37 of the light it receives from the sun.
            In star wars Luke and his father has a conflict of darkness. And it is no wonder that this new planet has made the news. They said that the planted is darker than coal. If you look at it from space, it is barley visible. Scientists are not sure why this planet is so dark. Maybe because of its intense heat from a nearby star that has formed strange. Or maybe it’s consisted of a chemical that we have not discovered yet.
            They say that the planet is darker than coal, darker than night and darker than the heart of wickedness. It’s scary. But if you think about it, most stuff us humans are afraid of is what we don’t understand. We have much to learn.

New 'bionic' leg gives amputees a natural gait

Ezra R. -- Bionic limbs have until recently been just a part of sci-fi fantasy. Now we may have a working bionic hand similar to that of Luke Skywalker’s from Star Wars in the near future. Well, maybe a leg rather than an arm; none the less, Craig Hutto, age 23, has been testing a new lower – limb prosthetic developed at Vanderbilt University. This prosthetic limb allows amputees to walk without leg – dragging characteristics of conventional prosthetics. “A passive leg is always a step behind me. The Vanderbilt leg is only a split – second behind.” said Hutto. The bionic leg is what came from a seven year research team at the Vanderbilt Center for Intelligent Mechatronics. The prosthetic’s hardware has gone through seven versions and its electronics board has been redone 15 times. “As you add greater capability you are also adding greater liability,” said Michael Goldfarb (the director of VCIM) “Not only does the controller have to perform individual operations reliability, but has to run several operations at the same time and not get confused.”
            This article was amazing! I like hearing about the awesome advancements of today’s technology, so this article obviously stuck out to me. As said in the article itself, this prosthetic proves that the right technology is available to make a prosthetic limb with powered knee and ankle joints. As such, I hope to see many improvements in said technologies in the approaching years. With this powered prosthetic completed, does this mean that some may finally get something to replace the real limb they lost effectively, or is this prosthetic just for Hutto until it can be “perfected.” Even more I hope that other technologies of greater importance are improved upon. With this I say that overall this article was good and very informational.

Link:  New 'bionic' leg gives amputees a natural gait

Plastic waste decomposing at sea

Rachel T. -- This article is basically talking about the increasing amount of plastic waste in the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” Each year, as much as 150,000 tons of plastic debris is found on Japan’s shores. For many years, scientists just thought that the plastic was just a hazard to marine life that get caught in the plastic or eat the waste. But recently, it has been found that, as plastic decomposes into the ocean, it releases harmful toxins that animals and plant life in the sea absorb somewhat unconsciously.  Scientists have discovered that these toxins don’t really decompose after digestion. But they can still harm the organism in very serious ways. Mostly the toxins harm the reproductive and hormone systems inside the organism’s body.

This article reminds me of Happy Feet the movie, where the ‘all powerful’ penguin gets caught in the plastic coke holder. It really makes me think about what I am doing with all the plastic that goes to waste in my house. I think this article relates to biology a lot because it refers to how we, as humans, are in a way, killing our planet. We go about our days not paying any attention to the world around us. In reality, I think we should all be more concerned about our ‘Interaction with the Environment.’ Also, if the toxins released by the plastic that we throw away are hazardous to many organisms’ reproduction systems, then we can be sure that many marine species are going to be depleted in the very near future. We, as Americans especially, need to be more aware and to help in any way we can to stop the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ from growing!

Greenland glacier melting faster than expected

Gabe M. -- Two researchers found that greenland’s longest studied glacier, mittivakkat, had two consecutive record losses in mass observations for this year and last year. This year so far it has lost 2.45 metres, that is .29 metres higher than the year before. Also this years loss is above the 16-year average loss of .97 metres per year.

My perception on this is that this, proves global warming and we need to start doing something about it. What is being lost doesn’t seem like a lot to a normal person, but it is a significantly large loss considering it happens yearly. If we find a way we can recycle the carbon that is getting trapped in the earth, then we could stop global warming.


Alexius A. -- The African Rats, they can nearly kill you!! There super unique because well they have homosapiens are the only 2 mammals who use plants to make their poisons. Its like the one of the only mammals that is there poison that they don’t make or produce there self. The rats defends itself by painting it self to blend in. The researchers think that the rats had toxic dense system because the skunks and how there color pattern is really similar. Also the rats eat branch's and roots and other stuff like that.

This article was interesting because it was talking about rats, and rats are gross!!! But hey I never knew that rats would actually be smart enough to hide there self and blend in with the tree bark.

Shorelines, Sandy or Otherwise, That May Not Last

Toyosi O. -- A beach is a place where you might spend most of your summer vacation at, but do you know that they are “disappearing”? Scientists say that due to global warming, that the sea levels will rise by a few feet by the end of the century. If the sea levels rise then many coastal cities will be flooded and their beaches will become part of the ocean floor. Many people are trying to stop this by building a concrete wall to hold back the water as long as possible. When the water eventually raises above the wall, the whole beach if flooded. This has happened to two hotels already, one in Waikiki, Hawaii and one in Cannes, France. You can reverse the eroding beaches by pumping sand on to the beach but this cost too much money and will eventually erode anyways if the sea level continues to rise in the future. Scientist have concluded that unless we put our focus on our beaches instead of buildings, then the beaches we know and love today will be a thing of the past.

I found this article very interesting because I remember reading an article about how in a few centuries almost all of Florida and many other coastal regions will be completely covered in water. I never really thought that a beach could flood or completely erode away because sand is constantly being deposited and removed. Now I realize that since beaches are at sea level the water will engulf the beaches when the sea level rises.  I’ve never actually been to a real beach so I hope that I will be able to go and then go later in life to be able to compare.

Mazda Spider New Species

Taryn R. -- More than 65,000 cars in the United States were being recalled because spiders were nesting in fuel lines. As it turned out, the species was new to science. Conservation groups were gathering to persuade a federal judge to pass an order against killing the spiders and wanted the Obama Administration to make an emergency declaration protecting the spiders under the Endangered Species Act. They also wanted the Interior Secretary to designate all 65,000 recalled cars as an "essential" habitat for the spiders. "No filling up with cheap low-octane, no detailing, no car washes, no shaking out the mats, don't even think of turning on the wipers," says Keer-anne Duckling. "We need to protect this critical, mobile automotive breeding niche." It is found that the spider's venom consists of a molecule that is a "promising cancer cure and that its silk makes good dental floss".

I find this article very amusing. Of all the places this spider could have been discovered, it decides to be shine in over 65,000 cars. Also, the thought of flossing my teeth with web sounds fun. Though I may not like humans (in general) much, I guess its good we could use this "promising cancer cure" on people. I am intrested in hearing what they name this new species.

White dwarfs gobble Earthlike treats

Marcus G. -- Scientist have found remains of planets with some earth like qualities near white dwarf stars. Which is actually where astronomers would not look at for signs of life. Even more interesting is that they were also around the same distance from the used to be star as with Earth and our star. How they were able to find this is that the would study the pollution of the star to see what elements and such to tell what was there. This is shocking to many astronomers and scientist, because for years all white dwarf stars do was suck up pollution before it finally died. They have found a star that was taking in oxygen, magnesium, silicon, and iron. Which is very similar to the properties of Earth.
This is really interesting to me. Especially that astronomers usually don't find things like this with white dwarf stars. Even if the planet is gone it still gives us a insight on where we my find traces of Earthlike planets.  Stars are fascinating to me. they have so much power and energy. Some may explode in a huge supernova then become a crushing black hole, or become a red giant and destroy anything to close only then to turn into a white dwarf and finally to nothing. I didn't think such remarkable discoveries could come from looking at dying stars.

Link:  White Dwarfs Gobble Earthlike Treats

One Billion Vehicles Now Cruise the Planet

Peter D. -- In this article it talk about how many cars are in the world now. Back in 1970 there was only 250,000,000 cars in the world. That number soon doubled in 1986. It only took 16 years to get 250,000,000 more cars in our world. The number of cars doubled from 1986 to today. Studies have shown that by 2050 there will be 2.5 billion cars running in the world. China has been the biggest cause of how many cars we have. Every year they produce about 40 million cars.

Wow a billion cars. And those are the cars that run. I wonder how many cars there are in total non-running and running. I think it is amazing that there is a big chance that there will be 2.5 billion cars in 2050. I might live to see that there are 2.5 billion cars in the world. I think it interesting that every 56.3 person in India has a car, but the U.S has 1.3 cars for every human. That’s just crazy.

Wildlife Responds Quicker Than Estimated To Climate Change

Afton T. -- Evidence shows that organisms are moving towards the poles, and switching towards higher elevation, in attempts to avoid climate change. Studies show that they are moving towards the poles at an average rate of 10.31 miles a decade, and changing elevation at a rate of 40 ft. a decade.  This shift in altitude is about double what scientists estimated in 2003, and the latitude shift is approximately triple.  However, some animals do not move as fast, and others actually shift towards the Equator.  However, some animals threatened by climate change cannot move; other threats, such as rainfall, or environment loss due to human development, keep them from moving, and these species have experienced large population drops.  For example, the British high brown fritillary butterfly’s population declined because it was incapable of moving northward, from a lack or environment.  Other butterflies and moths, however, have moved environments successfully, such as the comma butterfly, which is also from Great Britain.  Because each species reacts to climate change differently, it is hard for scientists to predict how a single species will react.

I liked this article because it showed how organisms can react to changes in the environment without human intervention.  However, the article also made me rather sad, because it showed me how much the environment is changing because of the human race.  It has changed so much that we have made other species change their habitat simply to survive. I know that not all of climate change is caused my humans, but a large amount is.  This article made me think what it would be like to have to change your home because another species has messed up where you live.  I think if i was an animal, I would be pretty annoyed with us by now.  Human beings really need to start to try and change the climate change problem, before it is too late.  If we don’t fix it, then who will?  If we don’t take good care of our world, sooner or later, it will be inhospitable, and all life on Earth will disappear.

Cane toad tadpoles cannibalise their competitors

Sheila A. -- The juvenile toads (cane toads) are known as eating their selves. A thing they do when they’re just a few days old. It shows that they do that to reduce competition and to get that extra nutritional boost they’ll need in their growth. The toads are a threat to the wildlife in Australia because they have so many. If they eat each other it could help there populations get control. Researchers from Sydney and James Cook University wanted to know why the Juvenile toad tadpoles eat the eggs of there own kind. Research showed that tadpoles that eat their own eggs grow and survive more better than the ones that don’t eat their own eggs. If they eat their eggs they will also improve their chances in their future. Cane toads are originally from South America but they were taken to Australia to control sugar cane pests in 1935. Now the toads are top 100 insidious species and considered feral pests all across north and eastern Australia. They can migrate 40km each year. Scientists are trying to find the cane toads’ weak spot to control their population. However research say these animals should not be well underestimated.

The passage crept me out because I do not like frogs that much. When it said that they were having a huge rate of population issues I thought to myself they could some day rule the ponds or something. I did find it gross that they ate their selves just to get strength and nutrition. It was very surprising. I am hoping that they (the scientists) find a weak spot on the toads no offence but they are somewhat of carnivores and they have a boost on their lives kind.


Niko A. -- The eagle had always been a powerful looking bird, one that you probably don’t want to mess with but unfortunately, because of our heavily charged electric wires and poles one kind of eagle might go extinct. The imperial eagle has been a symbol of power dating back over 2000 years; the two different kinds of imperial eagle are the Spanish and the eastern imperial eagle. The Spanish imperial eagle it quickly becoming more endangered as there are only 283 pairs that are currently living in the wild, the birds are dying mostly due to the animals landing on electric wires, mistaking it for a safe perch. Many of the eagle that land on the wires do not die thanks to animal rescue but they become so injured that they can’t be released and therefore can’t reproduce. Scientists had to do something to stop this beautiful bird from going extinct so they used a fake method of reproduction called artificial insemination, which allows the female to give birth without having to have sexual intercourse. The first successful chick that came from this method hatched on may 7th, 2011 and was named Maria Ariam; the chick was born perfectly healthy after 42 days of incubation. Maria Ariam is the first of many artificially born birds witch will hopefully give a new start for the Spanish imperial eagle.

            I believe that the research that made this baby eagle possible will be very helpful to us in the future because of all the different species that are beginning to go extinct, this way we can stop the animal from dying out. I find it amazing that our technology has progressed so far that we can keep a whole species alive with one new method; it proves that we can help the environment even if we are the ones hurting it in the first place. The idea to help repopulate the biosphere with animals is a good one because it suggested that instead of hurting the environment we should help heal it from the damage we’ve caused. Some people may think that the idea of artificial reproduction is gross and scary and I would ordinarily be inclined to side with those people. The animals in the wild sometime don’t have enough population, or the ability to reproduce on there own, usually resulting from something caused by humans. If the only way to save a beautiful bird species is though artificial means then im all for it, because that animal might play a very important part in its ecosystem that could even affect us if it went extinct or became endangered. This article really got me thinking about how I could change the world one day, I really liked how interesting it was and I hope ill be able to find this interesting of a article every week.  

Dogs Can Reliably Sniff Out Lung Cancer, German Study Shows

Lizette Y. -- This article was about how dogs are able to tell if you have caner just by smelling your breath. In Germany researchers at Schillerhoehe Hospital came with trained dogs so they could smell the breaths of 220 volunteers. In those volunteers there were healthy patients and people who had lung cancer. The dogs detected 71 people who had lung cancer out of 100. They also identified 372 people who didn’t have cancer out of 400. 

What I think about this article is that it can help a lot of people who don’t know that they have caner and save them, because if the machine doesn’t detected it then u know a dog can have a possibility to be able to detect lung cancer. Also it’s not accurate either, because dogs can get confused with different smells. I question how they teach the dogs on how to know how to tell the difference between smells.

Texas and Antarctica Were Attached, Rocks Hint

Mario R. -- Staci Loewy is geochemist at California State University. She believes that Antarctica and El Paso, Texas use to be right nextdoor 300 million years ago(Pangaea). Pangaea broke apart 225 million years ago separating the continents and forming our techtonic plates. Scintists can tell that the continents were once one by following the mountains in different countries. An ancient valocano zone from Cannada to Texas tore some of the southern Franklin moutains 1.1 million years ago. Loewy compared rocks form in North America with rocks from the east coast of Antarctica. The rocks were a match, and Loewy thinks that the two rock have had been from the same eruption. So that confirms that there was a supercontinent.

I find this artcle interesting because it's about if there was a supercontinet and it has to do with Texas. It just really makes you think, was there or wasnt there a supercontinet, if so how was it put together and how were they broken a part? Those are the questions I think about when this subjuct comes up. But I just think this is an interesting subject cause there are tons of theories but no real answsers. It just amazes me how many years it has been since it has happend. I want an answser and I don't at the same time. Because I want to see how many new theories people come up with and if they are accurate.

Early stress is contagious in adulthood

Caitlyn D. -- Scientists say that if a zebra finch is exposed to stress as a nestling that their life span decreases dramatically. When the zebra finches are nestlings they produce a stress hormone, but if stressed out they will produce more of the hormone. Not only will this shorten the life of one zebra finch but it will be given to their partner. Scientist describes it as giving them a disease. Even if the finch has a non stressful life after the nestling stage and have food and water with no predators their life is still shortened. This demonstrates how much your partner is in control of your life.

I still have questions about the finches that the article didn’t address but it was written with good facts and emotion. I have zebra finches as pets and this gave me a lot of information that could help me in the future. I love this type of bird and I didn’t realize that this would happen. Many of the finches died as young adults and I’m now questioning if that was the reason. This was a good article and gave me a lot of interesting facts.

Invasive animals and plants

Addy B. -- This article was about varies kinds of species of plants animals etc. that invade the United States. Bugs affect us the most because they don’t have the same kind of predators that they did in their native land so they multiply fast. Scientist has come up with ideas about these ongoing invasions. They don’t think it’s necessary to try to keep the invaders out of the U.S but instead let them come over and then control them over time. Scientists are still coming up with ways to control all of the new unknown species coming into our land.

I thought the article was kind of a mind opener for me because I didn’t realize so many new and unknown species were coming to the U.S. that just makes me think of all of the species here that are invading other countries as well. I’m glad that they didn’t try to stop the invading because I don’t think they should be unwelcome to our country unless they are harmful to humans and other wildlife. Overall it was good article.

Even a Little Exercise can Improve Health

Olga C. -- Researchers from Taiwan’s National Health Research have found that if you excursive Even a little bit like for about 15 minutes a day you can add up to health benefits, according to them.  The authors surveyed 416,175 people who exercised to see how much they exercised. Participants were asked to recall the examples of exercises they did the previous month such as walking, brisk walking, jogging or running , Most of the participants were 54% inactive and 22% identified as low, 14% as medium, and 5% each for high and very high activity levels. People who exercised had less deaths and less cancer-related deaths than inactive individuals, the authors had said that “Individuals are more likely to do 15 minutes of daily exercise than they are 30 minutes of daily exercise,”

I think this is super important to know because this will motivate teenager / kids to exercise more. its also good to know that even if a person exercise for at least 15 minutes a day they add more months / years to their life so its supper important . I usually exercise about 30 – hour a day so im really glad to know that it helps to increase my life years because I would like to live for about 90 years.

Albinism in Animals

Ashley C. -- Albinism is a genetic disorder that causes complete or partial pigmentation of the skin, hair, and eyes. Albinism is not only found in people but also in animals. Albino animals, as well as people, have the pale coloration because they are lacking melanin, it is seen most commonly in animals with melanin in their bodies. You can tell if an animal is a true albino by looking at their eyes. A true albino will have the pale eyes just like their pale body. The most common albino animals are, amphibians, birds, mollusks, and reptiles. Some animals that are pure white in color are confused for albinos, but if you look at their eyes, you will find that if their eyes are white they are albino. If their eyes are black that means they are just white animals. Though we enjoy the eye appeal of an albino animal, they are more prone to sun burn, and skin cancer, making them easy prey because they cannot be camoflauged as well as animals that are not albinos. Certain animals such as rats, and snakes are preferred to use in laboratory’s, as well as preferred pets for their cool coloration.
I liked this article because I have always loved the albino animals for their cool color. It was interesting to find out that this is actually a genetic disorder, not only in animals but also in people. I think people should read this article because it is very informative, and it can give them new insight to albinism and how it is genetic.

Link:  Albinism in Animals

Blackest Planet Ever Found

Luis K. -- There has been a very interesting discovery out in space. Kepler has found the blackest planet ever some 750 light years away. It was named TrES-2b and is about the size of Jupiter. It is so black and dark that it reflects just one percent of the light that attains it. TrES-2b is so black that is darker than coal and is less reflective than black acrylic paint. Even though it’s mad black it gives off a faded red glow like hot ember. It turns out that the main cause for this blackness is heat energy. Its surface temperatures are 1,800 degrees. The Atmosphere of TrES-2b is actually made up of things that make the planet absorb heat, such as vaporized sodium, potassium, titanium oxide. These don’t completely explain the total blackness of the planet which is still a mystery for astronomers. They believe that there is “some kind of strange chemistry going on out there that even Kepler can't see”.

When I first saw this article it really made me want to write my summary about it because I think it’s really cool that astronomers out there discovered “The blackest, darkest planet ever”. Even though it has an odd name, “TrES-2b” it is amazing how the universe is present and all of its wonders. The article says that it is really hot there because of the possessions the atmosphere is made up off. I find it hard to believe that it is 1,800 degrees there and we complain about 105 degrees here in Texas. But these are one of those things that you question because of how significant it is and the mystery behind it. And if I had to be one of those astronomers, I would not know where to start. Overall this article astounded me.

Seychelles Shark Kills Honeymoon Tourist

Andrea K. -- This article is about a shark, in the Seychelles Indian Islands, who killed a British man in his mid 30's. The British man and his wife were going to the islands for their honeymoon, because they recently got married. A police man states that the shark tore off the mans' arm, and bit off a little bit of his left leg. They say that the shark attacked as soon as the man dived into the Anse Lazio and Georgette beachs, which is two of the many beachs in the Indian Islands that the shark was near. People were shocked to hear about yet another shark attack in Seychelles because earlier this month a french man was killed in the same area.  Reported we suprised to see shark attacks in the Indian Islands since there hasn't been a shark attack in the area since 1963. The Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority issued a swimming ban near the Anse Lazio and Georgette beachs. 
It was interesting to read this because i rarely ever see articles about shark attacks, well mainly because shark attacks don't occur that much. Though it interested me, it made me feel sad for his wife because they had just gotten married. The wife was there when the shark attack occured, it must hurt her inside because she couldn't do anything to save him, he already lost enough blood. As i finished the article, i read comments that we're at the bottom of the article, and it fascinated me by how people felt about the incident. Many people said that the shark did it for a cry for help, other say that the shark should be captured. I don't really know what to believe, but all i know is an innnocent man lost his life, and no one deserves that.


Emily F. -- The Irrawaddy dolphin, is known for being scared, to all the people that live in Cambodia and Laos. The Irrawaddy Dolphin has only 85 or less individuals left, and they are only being found in Southeast Asia's Mekong River. World Wildlife Foundation has done recent counts of the dolphins, and concludes on the 85 or less. This data, has lead professionals to believe that the Irrawaddy Dolphin might die out all together, with a count of so little. Researchers say that with the low number of these dolphins, and the low survival rate of calfs, the bread is extremely close to extinction.

                When reading this article, I actually found it to be quite sad. Many animals have gone extinct, or are getting to close to becoming extinct. This article also made me wonder why the Irrawaddy dolphins going extinct? The title states that the dolphin is sacred of many people.  This made me think about why  they going instinct? Is it climate? Is it them? Or could it be us? When I started thinking about if it could be humans I thought a lot about how, yea have our boats, and other water recreational activities, but that can’t be it. Are we driving them out of their natural habitat and forcing them in to areas not suitable for them to live in for some reason? Have we ever hunted them? This article made me ask many questions to myself, and made me want to research the topic more.

Fanged-Frog Pictures: 9 New Species Found

Skye B. -- Recently 13 new species of “fanged frogs” have been found or seen in  Sulawesi for the first time. Nine of those species are new to science according to Even a biologist at McMaster University in Canada.  Apparently the frogs fangs are actually not teeth they are “bony jaw protrusions” which in some cases are not visible past the gum line also according to Evans. Scientist still do not know the purpose of these fangs but believe them to help the frogs catch pray, such as fast moving fish and tadpoles.

            This article was interesting to me because I have never seen or heard of a frog with fangs. I am interested in this new species because I think it is pretty cool to see a frog with fangs. The author drew me to this article with the title, “Fanged-frog, new species found”. I think that this new development is helpful to the frogs because it helps them catch fast moving pray that they normally couldn’t catch so it gives them a bigger verity.

Cigarettes cause half of bladder cancers in women

Felipe C. -- Researchers have found that women who are in their 50s that started smoking during their teen age have a higher percentage to have bladder cancer. The percentage of women that smoke has move up a 20 to 30 percent more. Now the percent of new smokers on getting bladder cancer has increase because studies have showed that more chemicals have been added to cigarettes and the tobacco in cigarettes has also been changed to.

I think that most women should try to quit smoking or not smoke at all because the increase of getting bladder cancer has increase. Also, Cigarette Company’s should keep on making the cigarettes like before and not add additional chemicals or change the tobacco that they were made of.            

Link:  Cigarettes Cause Half of Bladder Cancers in Women

August 14, 2011

Space telescope to create radio 'eye' larger than Earth

Miranda B. -- One of the more interesting tools in astronomy is interferometry- a method by which data can be collected from two radio telescopes and analyzed in a way that yields data as detailed as the data from a single telescope with a dish size as large as the distance between the two would be. On July 18, the Russian space program launched RadioAstron, a radio telescope intended to go almost as far out as the moon’s orbit, creating a dish of effectively thirty times the earth’s diameter. The resolution of this telescope is going to be over ten times as high as the previous standard in radio interferometry (HALCA), and over ten thousand times as fine as Hubble’s resolution. RadioAstron was launched by a Zenit-2SB rocket, which pushed it into orbit at ten thousand kilometers, but it will be pulled the moon to three hundred ninety thousand kilometers over the course of five years. The radio itself is only ten meters wide and composed of 27 carbon fiber panels. One of the more interesting objects that the telescope will focus on is the black hole in the center of galaxy M87, which will offer data on the mechanics of black holes and also pictures of its event horizon. Other data from the telescope will be used to learn more about the rotation rates of galaxies, how dust is distributed around stars, expansion rates of space, and the effects of dark energy. RadioAstron collects one hundred forty four megabits per second of data, though, so many more earth-based telescopes need to be equipped to collect data soon, or else crucial information will be lost.

It seems something of a waste that the telescope is going to reach its much-touted distance in about five years, and that the project will end at that point. HALCA lasted from 1997 to 2005 after a projected lifespan of three years and an altitude control failure in 2003, though, so maybe there is some hope for more than five years worth of data. With HALCA down, it becomes more critical for the earth-based telescopes to start collecting data as soon as possible, since RadioAstron will soon be the only functioning space-based radio interferometry telescope and we all know that VSOP-2 isn’t going to get funding to launch in 2013. The part of the project that I am most interested in is the black hole pictures, I must admit. The M87 black hole apparently is particularly flashy, radio wave-wise, so it should generate desktop-worthy photos sometime in the next five years. The other projects are probably all going to shed light on the nature of the universe and so on, and maybe there will be a few more documentaries on dark energy. It seems like this launch is the superbowl for certain astronomers, but the article just wasn’t able to describe the goals of the project in the vernacular.