August 20, 2011

Even a Little Exercise can Improve Health

Olga C. -- Researchers from Taiwan’s National Health Research have found that if you excursive Even a little bit like for about 15 minutes a day you can add up to health benefits, according to them.  The authors surveyed 416,175 people who exercised to see how much they exercised. Participants were asked to recall the examples of exercises they did the previous month such as walking, brisk walking, jogging or running , Most of the participants were 54% inactive and 22% identified as low, 14% as medium, and 5% each for high and very high activity levels. People who exercised had less deaths and less cancer-related deaths than inactive individuals, the authors had said that “Individuals are more likely to do 15 minutes of daily exercise than they are 30 minutes of daily exercise,”

I think this is super important to know because this will motivate teenager / kids to exercise more. its also good to know that even if a person exercise for at least 15 minutes a day they add more months / years to their life so its supper important . I usually exercise about 30 – hour a day so im really glad to know that it helps to increase my life years because I would like to live for about 90 years.

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