August 20, 2011

Fanged-Frog Pictures: 9 New Species Found

Skye B. -- Recently 13 new species of “fanged frogs” have been found or seen in  Sulawesi for the first time. Nine of those species are new to science according to Even a biologist at McMaster University in Canada.  Apparently the frogs fangs are actually not teeth they are “bony jaw protrusions” which in some cases are not visible past the gum line also according to Evans. Scientist still do not know the purpose of these fangs but believe them to help the frogs catch pray, such as fast moving fish and tadpoles.

            This article was interesting to me because I have never seen or heard of a frog with fangs. I am interested in this new species because I think it is pretty cool to see a frog with fangs. The author drew me to this article with the title, “Fanged-frog, new species found”. I think that this new development is helpful to the frogs because it helps them catch fast moving pray that they normally couldn’t catch so it gives them a bigger verity.

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