August 20, 2011

The Darkest World: Scientists Discover 'Darth Vader' Planet

Guilian F. -- A few weeks ago, two astronomers announced the discovery of TrES-2b via the Kepler spacecraft. The planet is a so-called "Hot Jupiter" — a large gas giant orbiting extremely close to its sun-like star. It is interesting that TrES-2b refuses to give back light.  It bounces back less than 1 percent (0.01) of the light it receives from its star. The Earth reflects about 37 percent or 0.37 of the light it receives from the sun.
            In star wars Luke and his father has a conflict of darkness. And it is no wonder that this new planet has made the news. They said that the planted is darker than coal. If you look at it from space, it is barley visible. Scientists are not sure why this planet is so dark. Maybe because of its intense heat from a nearby star that has formed strange. Or maybe it’s consisted of a chemical that we have not discovered yet.
            They say that the planet is darker than coal, darker than night and darker than the heart of wickedness. It’s scary. But if you think about it, most stuff us humans are afraid of is what we don’t understand. We have much to learn.

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