August 20, 2011


Niko A. -- The eagle had always been a powerful looking bird, one that you probably don’t want to mess with but unfortunately, because of our heavily charged electric wires and poles one kind of eagle might go extinct. The imperial eagle has been a symbol of power dating back over 2000 years; the two different kinds of imperial eagle are the Spanish and the eastern imperial eagle. The Spanish imperial eagle it quickly becoming more endangered as there are only 283 pairs that are currently living in the wild, the birds are dying mostly due to the animals landing on electric wires, mistaking it for a safe perch. Many of the eagle that land on the wires do not die thanks to animal rescue but they become so injured that they can’t be released and therefore can’t reproduce. Scientists had to do something to stop this beautiful bird from going extinct so they used a fake method of reproduction called artificial insemination, which allows the female to give birth without having to have sexual intercourse. The first successful chick that came from this method hatched on may 7th, 2011 and was named Maria Ariam; the chick was born perfectly healthy after 42 days of incubation. Maria Ariam is the first of many artificially born birds witch will hopefully give a new start for the Spanish imperial eagle.

            I believe that the research that made this baby eagle possible will be very helpful to us in the future because of all the different species that are beginning to go extinct, this way we can stop the animal from dying out. I find it amazing that our technology has progressed so far that we can keep a whole species alive with one new method; it proves that we can help the environment even if we are the ones hurting it in the first place. The idea to help repopulate the biosphere with animals is a good one because it suggested that instead of hurting the environment we should help heal it from the damage we’ve caused. Some people may think that the idea of artificial reproduction is gross and scary and I would ordinarily be inclined to side with those people. The animals in the wild sometime don’t have enough population, or the ability to reproduce on there own, usually resulting from something caused by humans. If the only way to save a beautiful bird species is though artificial means then im all for it, because that animal might play a very important part in its ecosystem that could even affect us if it went extinct or became endangered. This article really got me thinking about how I could change the world one day, I really liked how interesting it was and I hope ill be able to find this interesting of a article every week.  

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