August 20, 2011

Wildlife Responds Quicker Than Estimated To Climate Change

Afton T. -- Evidence shows that organisms are moving towards the poles, and switching towards higher elevation, in attempts to avoid climate change. Studies show that they are moving towards the poles at an average rate of 10.31 miles a decade, and changing elevation at a rate of 40 ft. a decade.  This shift in altitude is about double what scientists estimated in 2003, and the latitude shift is approximately triple.  However, some animals do not move as fast, and others actually shift towards the Equator.  However, some animals threatened by climate change cannot move; other threats, such as rainfall, or environment loss due to human development, keep them from moving, and these species have experienced large population drops.  For example, the British high brown fritillary butterfly’s population declined because it was incapable of moving northward, from a lack or environment.  Other butterflies and moths, however, have moved environments successfully, such as the comma butterfly, which is also from Great Britain.  Because each species reacts to climate change differently, it is hard for scientists to predict how a single species will react.

I liked this article because it showed how organisms can react to changes in the environment without human intervention.  However, the article also made me rather sad, because it showed me how much the environment is changing because of the human race.  It has changed so much that we have made other species change their habitat simply to survive. I know that not all of climate change is caused my humans, but a large amount is.  This article made me think what it would be like to have to change your home because another species has messed up where you live.  I think if i was an animal, I would be pretty annoyed with us by now.  Human beings really need to start to try and change the climate change problem, before it is too late.  If we don’t fix it, then who will?  If we don’t take good care of our world, sooner or later, it will be inhospitable, and all life on Earth will disappear.

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