August 20, 2011

Shorelines, Sandy or Otherwise, That May Not Last

Toyosi O. -- A beach is a place where you might spend most of your summer vacation at, but do you know that they are “disappearing”? Scientists say that due to global warming, that the sea levels will rise by a few feet by the end of the century. If the sea levels rise then many coastal cities will be flooded and their beaches will become part of the ocean floor. Many people are trying to stop this by building a concrete wall to hold back the water as long as possible. When the water eventually raises above the wall, the whole beach if flooded. This has happened to two hotels already, one in Waikiki, Hawaii and one in Cannes, France. You can reverse the eroding beaches by pumping sand on to the beach but this cost too much money and will eventually erode anyways if the sea level continues to rise in the future. Scientist have concluded that unless we put our focus on our beaches instead of buildings, then the beaches we know and love today will be a thing of the past.

I found this article very interesting because I remember reading an article about how in a few centuries almost all of Florida and many other coastal regions will be completely covered in water. I never really thought that a beach could flood or completely erode away because sand is constantly being deposited and removed. Now I realize that since beaches are at sea level the water will engulf the beaches when the sea level rises.  I’ve never actually been to a real beach so I hope that I will be able to go and then go later in life to be able to compare.

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