August 20, 2011

Albinism in Animals

Ashley C. -- Albinism is a genetic disorder that causes complete or partial pigmentation of the skin, hair, and eyes. Albinism is not only found in people but also in animals. Albino animals, as well as people, have the pale coloration because they are lacking melanin, it is seen most commonly in animals with melanin in their bodies. You can tell if an animal is a true albino by looking at their eyes. A true albino will have the pale eyes just like their pale body. The most common albino animals are, amphibians, birds, mollusks, and reptiles. Some animals that are pure white in color are confused for albinos, but if you look at their eyes, you will find that if their eyes are white they are albino. If their eyes are black that means they are just white animals. Though we enjoy the eye appeal of an albino animal, they are more prone to sun burn, and skin cancer, making them easy prey because they cannot be camoflauged as well as animals that are not albinos. Certain animals such as rats, and snakes are preferred to use in laboratory’s, as well as preferred pets for their cool coloration.
I liked this article because I have always loved the albino animals for their cool color. It was interesting to find out that this is actually a genetic disorder, not only in animals but also in people. I think people should read this article because it is very informative, and it can give them new insight to albinism and how it is genetic.

Link:  Albinism in Animals

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