September 4, 2011

86 Percent of Earth's Species Still Unknown?

Mario R. -- Studies say that there are about 8.7 million speices that we have not yet discovered on earth. Scientist say that we've discovered less than 15% of the living organism. Co-author Boris Worm of Canada's Dalhousie University says, "Are we within reach of finding all species, or are we way off?" He says," We are far off." Researchers predict that there is only 7% of fungi, and less10% of the ocean life found on earth today. Two hundred and fifty years after Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus has found a system for classifying the diversity of nature. The study says that we have nearly completed the mammals and birds speices.

It's just so ineresting to think that you know all the living things on earth then 7 million more are still out there some where. To think how the other animals look, react with other animals, and all of the other things that animals do. And if they are domestic, or if we can use them for food or medicine. Just what we can do for them and what they can do for us, without making them go extinct. I just find nature so interesting and to find out that there's even more animals around the world.

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