September 4, 2011

Night Owls More Likely to Suffer from Nightmares, Survey Suggests

Jaden K. -- According to many scientific studies, people who stay up late are more likely to get night mares.  Around 80% of adults have at least one nightmare a year, while five percent get about one every month.  College students have also been studied for this showing that their late night studying (or partying) makes it more likely to have nightmares. Yavuz Selvi and other scientist made a study to a variety of people asking to rate the frequency of their nightmares from one being the lowest to four being the highest. They had found that people who call themselves evening people rated around 2.10 while people who called themselves morning people had an average of 1.23. Even though the cause of nightmares is still partly unknown, this shows that going to bed late is still a factor.

Throughout this article it shows more and more facts and examples that nightmares partly come from staying up late to a lack of sleep. It’s very interesting to know about and knowing this I might start heading to bed a little earlier. Looking at this article it shows that scientists are not just looking at space or medication. They are also trying to help us the small things in life. From dreams to dinosaurs to space who knows what is going to be learned about next, all I know is that I should start heading to bed.

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