September 4, 2011

From omnivore to vegan: The dietary education of Bill Clinton

Olga C. -- Bill Clinton used to love eating junk food like hamburgers , French fries , chocolate cake and other things that involved a tone of calories but then he decided to become a healthier person . former
president Clinton now considers himself a vegan. He's dropped more than 20 pounds, and he says he's healthier than ever, his wife farmer first lady Hillary Clinton . Even with the change of the white house menu Clinton battled his weight throughout his two terms as president. He had gained 18 pounds and had gotten really high blood pressure but after he had accomplished his goal of loosing weight he decided to share his experience for healthy eating childten The Clinton Foundation has teamed up with the American Heart Association and is helping 12,000 schools promote exercise and offer better lunches so decades from now, today's children will not face the same heart troubles he has.  "It's turning a ship around before it hits the iceberg, but I think we're beginning to turn it around,"Clinton said.

i think this is very interesting because Bill Clinton was vey brave to quit on all the junk food to save his life , I honestly don’t think I will be able to do that I barely eat fruit , I am very bad at eating healthy . but I am trying to do the same ting that he did to save myself and ill try to share it with other people as well and I also think it is very nice of him to share his story and his method to other children.

Link:  From omnivore to vegan: The dietary education of Bill Clinton

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