September 4, 2011

Woolly rhinos came down from the cold

Matthew R. -- The Woolly Rhino has two horns weighs two tons and has a lot of hair and attitude. They survived with woolly mammoths and other creatures during the ice age. Xiaoming Wang discovered a Woolly Rhino skull in the Tibetan plateau he was shocked that it was 3.5 million years old. what was shocking was that this skull was here a million years before the ice age he thinks that this showed that they were getting prepared for the ice age. what is amazing is that the horn was used to sweep snow away so they could keep moving.

I think this is amazing if they did know the ice age was coming because this was to happen a million years later. I think that this is the ultimate adaption story i ever heard with the long horn the big body and all that hair. and another thing this fits one of the themes of biology this falls under adaption to evolution.

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