September 4, 2011

Spiders Fleeing Pakistan's Floodwater Take to the Trees

Taryn R. -- Due to the floods in Pakistan last year, milllions of people had to move - as well as millions of spiders. Although spiders rarely move to trees during natural disasters, the flooding was so heavy they had to go up the trees and stay there. According to Todd Blackledge, some of these spiders spin new webs every day. After weeks, the webs cover the trees in dense layers of silk. Russell Watkins, a photographer, went down to Pakistan and saw the web covered trees. "I wasn't prepared for the scale. Literally thousands of trees and bushes over dozens of miles were shrouded. It really was very spooky" said Russell.
This is absolutly amazing to me! The picture was even more facinating. It would be great if I was able to visit this place and see the spiders. Since they were unable to go about normaly on the ground, they climbed up the trees and are surviving up there. What if they start living in the trees? Would they need to adapt or change? Perhaps not, I think they will eventually move back to the ground.

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