August 10, 2011

Abused baby boobies grow up to abuse other chicks

Natalie R. -- The Nazca Booby, a colonial seabird, has been studied, and it’s been found that they have a “cycle of violence” throughout their life. Like some humans, young birds that are abused grow up to abuse other chicks. Two parents usually raise one baby bird every year, but when they are out colleting food for their young, other adult birds that aren’t breeding try to interact with the chicks. Some of the interaction can be good and positive but a lot are abusive. They usually try to sexually assault the young birds or physically harm them in some other form. Scientists kept an eye on the abused chicks and watched them grow up to abuse other young chicks once they became an adult bird. Scientists believe this is not genetically inherited but instead inherited by watching other adults and how they act.
            This is just as sad as humans abusing children. It shows that all species have child abuse in some way or another. Children who are abused as a child by their parent usually grow up to abuse their own children. This is showed with the Nazca Booby as well as humans. They learn that that is something they should do and do it when they get older. It’s sad that even animals abuse younger animals in their species and then they grow up to live that way. I wish there was something that could be done to stop all forms of child abuse.

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