August 13, 2011

South Korean scientists create glowing dog

Dakota P. -- The article is about how scientist in South Korea have been able to almost one hundred percent successfully cloned a Beagle. I say almost one hundred percent because the only issue is that when given a doxycicline antibiotic it glows fluorescent green. The dog was created by conducting a somatic nuclear cell transfer and scientist were super excited after their succession. This new form of cloning is going to hopefully be able to help cure certain illnesses and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and many others.

 Honestly I believe that this is an amazing new discovery in the scientific community for the fact that it can also help the medical branch of everything. I also think that it is really cool that the dog can glow because I think that can come in handy when you are in a dark alley or something similar that if you had a doxycicline antibiotic and you could then glow green and see in the dark. The fact that this can help many Alzheimer’s patients is amazing because I have seen the effects that the disease can do to families everywhere and it is very dramatic and depressing.

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