August 13, 2011

Baby Gorilla Found In Jail With Poachers

Addison B. -- Poachers were found attempting to smuggle a baby gorilla one Sunday night from the democratic republic of Congo to Rwanda. No one knows exactly how the baby gorilla was found in that situation which left an investigation under way. The gorilla will still have about 30 days before it is well enough, and then will be sent to a national park in Congo. Thankfully the gorilla was saved before anything went wrong. As for the poachers, people believe that there are still others out there able and willing to break laws and hurt the endangerment of the species for money. The good thing is that even though the baby gorilla’s parents were put into danger as well they didn’t get hurt in the process. 

I found this article really interesting because it just proves what people will do for money. Not only will they hurt endangered animals but they will also break the law. I don’t know about you, but that’s just asking to be arrested. I love monkeys and I can’t believe people would do that. I also think that this article proves how much we need to watch out for our wild life before it gets to the pint wear a lot more different species go endangered as well.

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