August 13, 2011

Did Dinosaurs Hibernate?

Bethany Q. --    Dinosaurs have been known to this world before humans came along. We have always considered dinosaurs to be reptiles and cold blooded. But since they're cold blooded they hibernate right? Dinosaurs once lived all over the world back when the continents that we know today were all together. Some dinosaurs lived in Australia, but since the continents were connected Australia was very close to Antarctica. So there habitat was freezing. And of course since they are cold blooded they must have hibernated. Researchers were also very curious about how the dinosaurs were able to survive such harsh weather. And the only real way to know was to go where the dinosaurs lived, Australia. One way scientist were able to tell if the dinosaurs were hibernating was by studying the rings in the dinosaurs bones. Those rings indicated that the bones had stopped growing. And when animals hibernate their bones stop growing. When scientist looked at the bones, all but one had rings. So the theory was incorrect. So how did they survive?

I was really fascinated with this article because I think dinosaurs are very interesting and I thought I would learn a lot about how they lived. This article was very useful because I bet a lot of people just assumed that they hibernated, I thought that too. But it felt good to find out some new and shocking information. I'm not sure if I agree or disagree because it just makes so much since that if they are cold blooded and are living in a cold environment they should be hibernating. But when the article stated that all of the bones had rings except for one I got confused because, does just one dinosaur change the whole theory? I mean, maybe something was genetically wrong with that dinosaur. But hey, I'm not a paleontologist.

Link:  Did Dinosaurs Hibernate?

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