August 13, 2011

Why Today's Cockroaches Are the Biggest Ever!

Caitlyn D. -- Insects are a lot different than other types of organisms. Most of them breathe through their skin. The reason cockroaches are getting bigger and bigger is because there has been high oxygen levels. This enables the cockroach’s body to think about other things besides breathing, like growing to fit their environment. Well this is what scientists thought, but studies have shown that cockroaches are different. They actually take advantage of high oxygen levels by shrinking their organs so they can use their energy towards different parts of their body. But the question is why they are bigger? More tests were taken and scientists figured out that a cockroach will take two times longer to get to adulthood. Scientists were taken aback and they now have two approaches they want to take, one is to study cockroaches today and the other is to study cockroach fossils from the past. Hopefully scientists will find out this question and figure out all about the advanced insects.
                I thought this was a fairly good written article. I hate cockroaches and even this article made me wan to read more because it has a good cliff hanger and I want to figure out the answer to the question “why are today’s cockroaches bigger than ever?” I also learned a lot about insects that I didn’t know, like that most insects breathe through their skin. I think that is a very smart adaption for insects, it would defiantly get oxygen to the whole body better. I would recommend this article for people that are interest in insects.

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