August 12, 2011

Baby Gorilla Found In Jail With Poachers

Sheila A. -- On Sunday night a young Mountain gorilla was found in an African jail. She was curled up on a bedside along the poachers’ side. The baby gorilla that did not even have one year of age was close to being smuggled out into another place. It remains unclear how she was put in that place. They suspect that the smugglers killed or scared away her parents. The jail people did accused the smugglers on maybe being in a group of Rwandan and Congolese men that is a large animal poaching network. Now the young Mountain gorilla is in good hands with the Rwanda vets. Mountain gorillas are endangered with about 786 individuals left in the mountains of Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. She was called “Ihirwe” which means luck in Kinyarwanda. Ihirwe is still being treated until it is safe to release her into a National Park Senkwekwe Center. Were there she could be with other orphan gorillas. The International Gorilla Conservation Program, the African Wildlife Foundation and more are supporting the ongoing investigation on smugglers and smuggling. The good part was that Ihirwe was rescued before anything happened the bad news is that they believe there is a market that sells or gets baby mountain gorillas and are jeopardizing the feature of these animals.
When I first saw the picture of Ihirwe I knew it was going to be interesting. Before I read the passage I went down and looked at the slid show and that’s when I chose to do the passage. It was sad when I read the passage because there was so much done to a poor little thing. It amassed me because I did not even know there were people that would do that. I did not know people would take away a baby from an animal and then try selling it or moving it some place else. It is sad that the little baby gorilla wont be able to see her parents anymore.

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