August 13, 2011

The flight of the bumble bee: Why are they disappearing?

Alex A. -- Bumble bees are very widespread and are used to pollinate many things, but in the 1990’s they started dying off and scientists couldn’t figure out why or how to fix it. Scientists have begun studying other types of bees in order to try and compensate for the dying off bumble bees. The first candidate they found was located in the Midwest and eastern parts if the U.S. and Canada, but many feared that putting that type of bee into the western region would go awry because all the bees would be fighting for supplies.  Also they were afraid that this type of bee would bring pathogens to the western bees that they were ill equipped to battle. They found a bee native to the west that could pollinate greenhouses located there, and are furthermore investigating that type of bee now.
                I really liked this article because I think bees are really cute. But I also liked learning about what bees actually do for our society. I enjoyed learning about how there are so many different types of bees for different regions because I always thought that there was only one type. I learned about how even simple things such as bees can do so much for our ecosystem by pollinating everything and helping stuff grow. I also learned that even bees if put into a bad situation will end up fighting each other or another bee hive for food and water and other necessities. I think people would benefit from this because not everyone sees the real beauty of bees and how they work together so easily. The reader most likely thinks of bees as just annoying scary things that buzz around and are yellow, I used to be one, but now I really see clearly how interesting and helpful they really are.

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